5 ways that Readers can help Authors like me

Over the last couple of days, I’ve been asked the same question by a friend and a couple of readers. All three of them have read my debut fantasy novel Haven Wakes and left glowing reviews, but they wanted to know what else they could do to make my life easier.
After a think, this is what I told them.
Recommend my books
Here’s what I mean:
- You’re twittering with the best of them and you come across a reader asking for YA fantasy and sci fi book recommendations. Why not tell them about Haven Wakes?
- Your book club is on the look-out for a speculative fiction book to read. Suggest Haven Wakes.
- Your friend’s cousin’s daughter’s friend wants a new fantasy series to read. You guessed it! Point them to Haven Wakes.
Whenever you comes across a chance, please recommend my books.
Share my social media posts
With any luck you’ve already connected with me on at least one of my social media channels:
If you come across my social media posts, especially ones pointing to my newsletter or book sales page, it would be really helpful if you could widen my reach by sharing my post with your connections.
Blog about my books
If you run a book blog, whether that’s as a writer or a reader, it would be really appreciated if you could drop me and my books a mention.
If you need content for your blog, let me know and I’m more than happy to answer your questions for an author interview, pen a blog post on writing-craft, or write a piece on some other suitable topic.
Even better, sign up to be an ARC reader and blog as part of my next book launch.
In return for a mention on your blog, I’ll happily share it on my social media channels. It’s a win-win for us both.
Request my books
If you want to buy my book in paperback from your local bookstore but they don’t stock it, why not ask them to order it in? With any luck, they’ll buy in more than one copy so some other reader can get their hands on it. You could even take a shot of my book on their bookshelves and post it on social media (don’t forget to tag me though).
I know that not everyone can afford to buy my book. The next best thing is to borrow a copy from the local library. If this is you but they don’t have a copy, it would be really appreciated if you could ask them to order it in. I dropped off a copy to my local library for just this reason.
Sign up to my mailing list and share my Author News
Social media is an absolute boon for authors to get the news out about their latest books, but it’s reliant on algorithms and readers being online at the right time to see our posts. A mailing list doesn’t have either of these restraints and is the best way to keep up-to-date with an author and their latest news.
Sign up to my mailing list and receive:
- a free short story set in the same world as Haven Wakes
- my monthly goings-on and writing progress
- my book news, including the chance to be a beta or ARC reader
- a book recommendation that I love and hope you will too (and not a book I’ve written)
And if you have friends who you think might appreciate reading my Author News too, why not forward my newsletter on to them.
While buying our books and leaving book reviews will always be the best way to help us authors, lovely readers like you can make us smile in so many other ways too.