What you can expect from me in 2023

Sh! I’m still on festive break officially but I thought I’d take advantage of the lull before I return to my desk to say ‘hi’. 2022 was a good, if exhausting year. I saw my latest novel published, got a wonderful new cover and relaunch for my debut novel, and even went off on a Norwegian fjord cruise with my other half.

2023, however, is a clean page that I’m keen to get scribbling on. Just in case you wanted to know, here’s what you can expect from me over the next twelve months.

Writing Book 3 of the Haven Chronicles

Last year, I started to write the third book in my YA futuristic fantasy series and there’ll be more of that in 2023. One question that many of my readers and reviewers have asked after reading Haven Wakes and Magic Bound is, ‘where are Steve’s parents?’. That question will finally be answered in book 3.

There’ll be new places to go, old and new foes to outsmart, and plenty more revelations about Steve and his family.

The festive break brought a new epiphany about the path of this series but that’s something to share once book 3 is published.

Social Media for Authors

My book of social media advice for authors remains in the hands of Burning Chair. Fingers crossed, it will be published this year.

In the meantime, if you’re an author looking for social media advice, head on over to my copywriter blog.

Subscriber treats

In December, subscribers to my Author News received the links and passwords to my fantasy novella, A Shadow Falls in Darkacre. The plan is to release at least one short story or novella in 2023 too.

By the way, if you’re not subscribed yet, you can sign up here. New subscribers receive a free short story set in the same world as my novels.

Book reviews

Writers are readers too and I’ll be attacking my to-be-read pile with the usual enthusiasm. I didn’t read as many books last year as I’d have liked to (only nine) so fingers crossed, I can do better this year. The target is twelve.

Here’s a taste of the first nine books I’ll be reading.

book covers of Prisoner of Paradise by Rob Samborn, Babes in the Woods by Mark Stay, Ghosts: Being the experiences of Flaxman Low, Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman, Exiles by Daniel Blythe, The Shepherds Crown by Terry Pratchett, Blackbirch 1 by K M Allan, Master and Apprentice by Susan Mansbridge, All the White Spaces by Ally Wilkes

As usual, you can find all of my book reviews over on Instagram.

My search for a literary agent

With two novels published and a third in the works, I feel that it’s time to find a literary agent. In 2023, I’ll be sending out submissions to UK literary agents who are interested in YA fantasy. I don’t have much more to say about that other than, wish me luck.


And that’s it – my authorly plan for 2023. Fingers crossed.

Merry Christmas from this household to yours

festive book and hot chocolate by Andreea Radu on Unsplash

It’s Christmas Eve and time to switch off until the new year. Looking back, it’s been a wonderful year with the birth of Magic Bound (plus a magical new book cover for Haven Wakes) and the continued support of readers like you.

So before I dive into the excitement and busy-ness of the big day, I’d just like to say, ‘thank you’ and wish you the most fabulous, festive break. Here’s to the kind of new year that brings out the best in and for us all.

Photo by Andreea Radu on Unsplash

Author interview with Lily Lawson

book cove of Santa's Early Christmas by Lily Lawson

It’s the third and final of my December author interviews. This time it’s the turn of author, poet, and all round author helper, Lily Lawson. Her children’s picture book, Santa’s Early Christmas is no. 17 of my 24 recommended reads this month.

My interview with Lily

I know you as a poet, Lily, so what led you to write a children’s picture book?

I have written a few bits and pieces for children, accidentally you might say, from prompts. I tend to just go with wherever the prompt takes me. My children’s poems were well received so it made sense to explore the possibility of publishing them.

I used to write poems for my parents in their cards. Santa’s Early Christmas started out as a poem for my dad and one of the additional ones as a poem for my mam. The Santa poem has been edited to make it suitable for children. The original one will be a freebie in one of my December editions of Life with Lily.

What a lovely story. Do you think you’ll write more books for children?

There’s another one on the way. It’s at the editing stage. I expect to publish in early 2023. I would like to publish more at some point in the future.

Getting back to you as a poet, will you release any poetry collections in 2023?

I do intend to publish another collection in 2023. I am unsure of the details at the moment but once I have published my next book I will decide.

Lily’s poetry collections (so far)

What have been your favourite reads in 2022?

I will be announcing my Lily award winners and there are some hard choices. Unforgettable by R E Loten, and And then she fell by Dreena Collins both definitely deserve a mention. I have read a lot of poetry this year and a fair few short stories so there is a lot of competition in those categories. I have been surprised at what I have found myself reading at times, I love that.

What does the festive season look like for you and yours?

Nowadays things are much quieter than they used to be. We have simplified things a lot since my childhood Christmas’ of squashing into my nana’s and everyone hosting some sort of celebration. My dad and I will eat Christmas food and catch some festive TV.

Sounds like a lovely Christmas to me. Thanks for talking to my readers, Lily. Here’s to a fabulous festive break for you and your dad.


If you’d like to find out more about Lily and her writing, here are all the links:

Author interview with Suzanna Williams

book covers of 95 percent human and 5 percent human

It’s time for the second of my festive author interviews and today it’s the turn of action and sci fi author, Suzanna Williams. Suzanna is also a good friend and fellow Wales resident.

What’s more her latest novel, Five percent Alien is out today. Five percent Alien is the follow-up to YA sci fi read Ninety Five percent Human which is a personal favourite of mine. Five percent Alien is also today’s book recommendation.

My interview with Suzanna

I read your novel Ninety-five percent Human a few years back now and loved it. I can’t wait to read the follow-up, Five Percent Alien. Without giving up too much information, tell me what I can expect when I get my hands on a copy.

Glad you liked Ninety-five percent Human. In Five percent Alien you can expect:

  • More earth-plundering aliens and their spaceships
  • More jealous ex’s
  • More bad jokes from Jake the robot
  • Nan wielding a gun
  • A touch of romance
  • And another fun party at Joe’s local

Did you enjoy revisiting the characters of Joe and Sarah?

Joe and Sarah have always been special to me. I loved the idea that the farmer from Wales rescues and falls in love with an alien.

Ninety-five percent Human was all about Joe figuring out Sarah’s alien-hybrid secret, and Five percent Alien sees them trying to keep that secret. I have thoroughly enjoyed being really mean to them, throwing them problem after problem and watching them squirm.

But the most fun is getting jokes from Jake the evolving robot. I’m a terrible comedian, so the one-liners in the book must be coming from Jake himself, right?

paperback copies of Ninety Five Percent Human and Five Percent Alien

Ninety-five percent Human and the follow-up novel aren’t your only books. What else have you written?

I also have a YA trilogy called ShockWaves, which is an action thriller. I’m really excited right now because I’ve just had a new book trailer made. I’m not promoting it until the new year, but your readers can have a sneaky preview (click on the image below).

What have been your favourite reads in 2022?

My unexpected favourite book this year has been The Last Whale by Chris Vick. This is an upper middle grade/YA book, but it is sooooooo much more. I was blown away with the storytelling and the important message it holds. Told over three generations of a family in Norway, it’s simultaneously old-fashioned and futuristic, a gentle story yet exciting. Everyone of all ages should read this book. Yes, I’m totally fan-girling. Just read it.

What does the festive season look like for you and yours?

After a few co-vid Christmases where my family have been kept apart, I’m looking forward to getting together with my children and grandchildren this year. We squeeze everyone round our table, eat too much, and invariably end up having a musical play-along on Christmas night.

A peek through the Williams’ window at Christmas

Alongside the presents and hyped up craziness, Christmas can bring a lot of difficult emotions for many people, so I’d like to wish you and all your readers a healthy, peaceful and prosperous new year filled with many hours of reading wonderful books.

That’s very true, Suzanna. All the best to you and yours this festive season and thank you for talking to my readers today.


If you’d like to find out more about Suzanna and all her books, here are the links:

Author interview with Andrew Neil MacLeod

author interview with Andrew Neil MacLeod and book covers for both of his novels

It’s December and that can only mean one thing – author interviews and plenty of them. Well, actually three of them, starting today with fellow Burning Chair author Andrew Neil MacLeod. Andrew is a writer of dark, gothic, historical tales.

His first novel, The Fall of the House of Thomas Weir, is today’s book recommendation on my social media channels (window no. 7).

His second novel, The Stone of Destiny, was published on Halloween this year.

My interview with Andrew

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your first novel, The Fall of the House of Thomas Weir, with its paranormal slant on historical Edinburgh. Once I get my Christmas money, I’ll be treating myself to the follow up novel. Without giving too much away, what can I expect when I get my hands on a copy of The Stone of Destiny? 

Thank you! In the second novel the canvas broadens, and the two friends embark on their long-anticipated tour of the Scottish Highlands in search of the titular stone. Concocting a cover story that they’re touring around Scotland’s Neolithic sites, they head for Scone, the first stop in a perilous quest to uncover the truth. Of course, they are not the only ones looking, and soon find themselves shadowed by a mysterious religious sect known as the Culdee. It quickly becomes apparent to our heroes that they’ve left behind the cosy certainties of their old lives and entered a realm where dark magic, perverted science and sheer terror lurk around every corner. 

That sounds right up my alley – I can’t wait. How did it feel to revisit the characters of Johnson and Boswell?

In one sense it’s like slipping into an old, familiar pair of slippers. But I can’t get lazy. I wanted to avoid doing a straight homage or pastiche of Holmes and Watson. Ostensibly the parallels are all there: Johnson, like Holmes, is a polymath, and James Boswell is his best friend and biographer. But the real Johnson and Boswell were considerable figures in their own right, and I wanted to do that justice. I also wanted to give them each a character arc, rather than presenting a series of adventures to be read in any order. The biggest challenge was to make their dialogue convincing. Both men were highly erudite and considerable wits, but I didn’t want to make them sound stuffy or elitist.

That’s two books down. Can we expect more from Johnson and Boswell?

I’m already well into their third adventure, in which the cast of characters from books one and two converge in Johnson’s spiritual home of London for the denouement. We also meet Johnson’s deadliest nemesis yet, the mysterious Doctor Cagliostro and his Cabinet of Curiosities. I can even give you a bit of an exclusive, Fi. The third and final part of the trilogy will be called (drum roll…) The Casebook of Johnson and Boswell Vol. III: The Curse of Scotland.

What have been your favourite reads in 2022?

Honestly? Between the day job, doing edits for volume II, and the mentally corroding effects of the internet, I’ve hardly had any time for reading. I have a TBR list as long as my arm, including many fellow indy authors I look forward to reading as soon as I get a moment. When I get some free time this Christmas I also hope to tick some books off my bucket list, including Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea cycle, and Scottish writer George MacDonald, a pioneer of the fantasy genre who inspired writers such as J.R.R. Tolkien and CS Lewis. I’ve already read some of their shorter stories, and look forward to the main course.

What does the festive season look like for you and yours?

We’re a pretty small family unit – just my wife Amber and myself, and a little dog called Alex. We’re big kids at heart, and had our tree up early in November. I’m just looking forward to some down time. We live in the UAE and the weather is perfect this time of year, so I doubt we’ll be traveling back to Scotland any time soon. I’m looking forward to long walks with the dog, some home-cooking, sipping mulled wine on our balcony, and listening to Rod Stewart’s Christmas album in our matching sweaters (okay the last part is a bit of an exaggeration, but not much).

Sounds like a perfect Christmas to me. Thanks, Andrew.


If you’d like to find out more about Andrew and his novels, here are all the links:

Looking back over 2022

It’s that time of year again, when I take a moment to look back over 2022 before I dive into the festive season. It has been a marvellous year for me on so many fronts. Here’s why:

Haven Wakes was reborn

My first fantasy novel, Haven Wakes, received a make-over. The clever people at Burning Chair came up with a fresh new book cover design. I loved the original but to me, the new design reflects the novel so much better.

Magic Bound was published

This has to be the highlight of the year. The second novel in my fantasy series, Magic Bound, was published in the summer. It’s a continuation of Steve’s journey into magic and takes him far beyond the city walls of Caercester. I even made an unboxing video.

Here’s the blurb:

The magic returns.

When Hartley Keg and Blessing go missing, Steve Haven, the young heir to the Haven Robotics Corporation, once again finds himself plunged back into the chaos of the hidden world of magic.

Teaming up with the darkling, he finds himself on the run from the Council and their enforcers, the Hidden, as he seeks to keep safe those whom he holds most dear.

Things are complicated further when a new player emerges: Parity, a clandestine organisation who are far too keen in the Haven Corporation and the magical device which almost led to its destruction.

What follows is a race not only against time but through a series of locations, each more fantastical and dangerous than the last, as Steve and his friends attempt to stay one step ahead of their pursuers.

I read a lot of fiction books

Well, it was a lot for me anyway. So far in 2022, I have read:

I meant to read a lot more than this, but life got in the way. My current read is Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. As usual you can find my book reviews on my Instagram channel.

My blogging habit

I publish a new blog post every month. In 2022, these were my personal favourites:

I also appeared in a couple of guest blog posts in 2022. The first is on the Whispering Stories blog, The writing life of Fi Phillips. The second was an interview by my lovely publisher, Burning Chair.

The Life of Fi

As far as my personal life goes, 2022 has also been kind. My son passed his A levels and got into the university of his choice (that’s both of my offspring at university now).

I also went on a cruise of the Norwegian fjords with my husband. Obviously, clothes had to be bought for the posh nights and the Norwegian summer temperatures (chilly).


So that’s it, my wonderful year. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve presents to buy, celebrations to enjoy, and book three of my fantasy series to write. There’s no rest for the writerly.

5 books to hide away with this Halloween

woman reading amongst candles and pumpkins

The last time I blogged about scary reads was back in 2020 so I thought it was time to do it again. I’ve found five more books whose frights have stayed with me long after I’ve reached the end of the novel. Whether you want scares for youngsters, full-on horror, dark fantasy, or something old, there’s bound to be a book in this list that’ll grab you by the throat.

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy

I came across the Skulduggery Pleasant novels through my children. I can remember reading the first novel to my son and thinking, ‘this is a bit scary for kids’. Derek Landy initially decided to finish the series at ten (I think), but then couldn’t leave the characters alone and has written several more since.

Here’s the blurb:

Meet Skulduggery Pleasant: detective, sorcerer, warrior.

Oh yeah. And dead.

Stephanie’s uncle Gordon is a writer of horror fiction. But when he dies and leaves her his estate, Stephanie learns that while he may have written horror, it certainly wasn’t fiction.

Pursued by evil forces intent on recovering a mysterious key, Stephanie finds help from an unusual source – the wisecracking skeleton of a dead wizard.

When all hell breaks loose, it’s lucky for Skulduggery that he’s already dead. Though he’s about to discover that being a skeleton doesn’t stop you from being tortured, if the torturer is determined enough. And if there’s anything Skulduggery hates, it’s torture.

Will evil win the day? Will Stephanie and Skulduggery stop bickering long enough to stop it? One thing’s for sure: evil won’t know what’s hit it.

Black House by Stephen King and Peter Straub

Black House is the second book in a duo by Stephen King and the late Peter Straub. The first book is The Talisman. I read these books several years apart, but as soon as I dipped into Black House I was taken back to The Talisman and young Jack’s adventure. There are definite tie-ins to other novels by King, especially the Dark Tower series.

Here’s the blurb for Black House:

A comfortable, solid, middle-American town – inhabited by a serial killer…

Children are disappearing, lost to the world, horrifically murdered.

The best clue the detectives have – a serial killer from a century ago.

Jack Sawyer, retired from the LAPD at 35, plagued by visions of another world.

As a child, Jack visited the Territories, a menacing place of violence and madness, to save his dying mother. Now, if the latest child victim is to be saved, Jack must retrieve his lost childhood memories, and revisit the one place he hoped never to see again.

Cabal by Clive Barker

I went through a phase of binge-reading Clive Barker novels and Cabal is one of the shortest but it gives a wonderful flip-side to other Barker novels like Weaveworld. It was even made into a film called Nightbreed.

Here’s the blurb:

Cabal is the story of Boone, a tortured soul haunted by the conviction that he has committed atrocious crimes. In a necropolis in the wilds of Canada, he seeks refuge and finds the last great creatures of the world – the shape-shifters known as the Nightbreed. They are possessed of unearthly powers – and so is Boone. In the hunt for Boone, they too will be hunted. Now only the courage of this strange human can save them from extinction. And only the undying passion of a woman can save Boone from his own corrupting hell…

Moon by James Herbert

Okay, maybe I have a book problem because I also went through a reading binge of James Herbert novels. Moon is probably the scariest novel I’ve read by him and it’s one of the few books that I’ve re-read (hence the battered copy on my bookshelf).

Here’s the blurb:

The nightmare begins before you sleep .

By the Master of Horror, James Herbert’s Moon follows Jonathan, who fled from the terrors of his past, finding refuge in the quietness of the island. And for a time he lived in peace. Until the ‘sightings’ began, visions of horror seeping into his mind like poisonous tendrils, violent acts that were hideously macabre, the thoughts becoming intense.

He witnessed the grotesque acts of another thing, a thing that glorified in murder and mutilation, a monster that soon became aware of the observer within its own mind. And relished contact. A creature that would eventually come to the island to seek him out . . .

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins

I found The Woman in White in an old book I inherited from my parents, entitled ‘Novels of Mystery’, that also includes the story of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It’s a battered old hardback book with a plain cover that was published in 1945. So the blurb below is from the Amazon entry (sorry):

In love with the beautiful heiress Laura Fairlie, the impoverished art teacher Walter Hartright finds his romantic desires thwarted by her previous engagement to Sir Percival Glyde.

But all is not as it seems with Sir Percival, as becomes clear when he arrives with his eccentric friend Count Fosco. The mystery and intrigue are further deepened by the ghostly appearances of a woman in white, apparently harbouring a secret that concerns Sir Percival’s past.

A tale of love, madness, deceit and redemption, boasting sublime Gothic settings and pulse-quickening suspense.


Now I just have to decide which book I’ll read this Halloween.

My favourite places to buy new reads

book shop

When I lived in York in my pre husband and offspring years, one of my favourite ways to spend a lunchtime was to browse the city centre book shops. I had a choice between a Waterstones, where my favourite genres and non-fiction reads lived in the basement, and another book shop that began with ‘O’ (can’t remember the full name) nearby that was spread over several floors and had comfy armchairs dotted amongst the book-cases. I would enjoy a magical half hour perusing books (that I mentally added to my to-buy list) and breathing in the bookish surroundings.

The time I spent working in London saw many weekends spent in Foyles bookshop on Charing Cross Road, partly because it was such a wonderful shop to spend time in but also because my father had been a weekend regular there too when he lived in London in the 1950s. Visiting Foyles felt like spending time with Dad.

Nowadays, the O book shop in York and Foyles in London have both been asbsorbed into the Waterstones empire. While each Waterstones store is supposed to be individual in the books it stocks and the character of the physical premises, it’s been good to see the number of independent book shops that have sprung up both on the high street and online, offering a welcome alternative.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy visiting my local Waterstones with its quirky layout, but I want to decide what to buy rather than be pointed to what Waterstones want me to buy. I want a book shop that opens up the world of books to me, whoever those books are published by, instead of simply focusing on the celebrity and traditionally published reads.

That’s why it’s encouraging to see the increasingly wide range of places I can source new books from beyond the big names like Waterstones and W H Smith. So here are my favourite places to find out what new reads are out and buy a few (or more):

Walk-in independent book shops

There are so many brilliant and characterful independent book shops in the UK. While they still have to make a profit, they do seem to be more open to stocking books that aren’t by celebrity authors or from big name publishers. They’re also more than happy to hear from local authors. What’s more, most of them sell books online too. So if you can’t physically visit your local indie book shop, you can still browse what they have to offer and buy a book or two.

Publisher websites

Of course, there are the big publishing websites like Penguin Random House but for a different slant on new reads and trends, why not do a search for smaller, independent publishers like Burning Chair Publishing or Valley Press.

Author websites

I like to keep up-to-date with the latest releases by my favourite authors by visiting their websites. Even those authors who don’t directly sell from their websites, will always share links to where you can buy their books.

Book subscription services

I do love book subscription services. It isn’t a new trend; I can remember my mother signing up to receive classic and crime novels each month for years. Nowadays though, many subscription services will send your new read accompanied with other goodies like bookmarks, tea bags, and biscuits. Some book subscription services are themed around a particular genre and many have links to publishers and authors themselves. My personal favourite is Tea Leaves and Reads.


Yes, I know, Amazon is a monster, but you have to admit that it does have it’s eye on the ball when it comes to knowing what people want to buy, including books. Plus, it’s the saviour of so many self and indie published authors (like me). Maybe I can redeem myself though by saying that I do try to buy books elsewhere, where the publisher or author will get a bigger cut of the sales price, and only use Amazon if the price is reasonable and I can’t find the book anywhere else.


Maybe the standard book ‘shop’ has changed, but there’s never been more places to browse and buy your latest read.

Tackling the third book in the series

paperback copies of Haven Wakes and Magic Bound on a mountain backdrop with the words Tackling Book 3

If you follow me and my writing, you’ll know that the second book of my YA futuristic fantasy series was released at the beginning of August. Magic Bound picks up the story a few weeks after the end of Haven Wakes. Steve and his friends face the consequences of their actions, head off on a new adventure into a bigger slice of both the magical and non-magical worlds, and struggle against two new big-bads.

With Magic Bound out in the world, it’s time to tackle the next novel in the series. In a lot of ways, writing book three isn’t so different to writing book two. It involves:

  • giving Steve a reason to start another quest
  • showing more of both the magical world and the futuristic world
  • lots of research into new topics like anti-gravity and world tree mythology
  • listening to reader reactions to the book before
  • revealing more about Steve and his family’s connection to magic
  • creating a complete adventure that leaves enough undone for the story to continue

Book three picks up almost immediately after the end of Magic Bound and addresses an issue mentioned by several readers – where are Steve’s parents? That is Steve’s reason for continuing his journey into magic.

In book three, you’ll read about many of the familiar locations you already know – Darkacre, the Haven Robotics Corporation offices, and the Council controlled Confluence too – but Steve will visit plenty of new places too, both magical and workaday.

There’ll be more information on Steve and his family, and revelations aplenty about their connection with the world of magic.

There’s an old foe to parry with and a new threat too, more powerful than any that Steve has faced before.

While there’s always room for change when writing a novel, one thing I know for sure is that this isn’t a trilogy. Book three is not the end for Steve and his friends.


If you’d like to keep up-to-date with my writing news, and receive a free short story too, why not sign up to my Author News.

Want to help make Magic Bound a best seller?

paperback copy of Magic Bound on forest background with words Help make Magic Bound a bestseller

The big day – when Magic Bound is launched by Burning Chair Publishing – is only weeks away. It’s all rather exciting and the countdown is going in a blur. Advance book reviews are coming in and the pre-order links are up. I lovingly unwrapped my author copies, and even made an unboxing video. What I need now is a little help in getting the word out about Magic Bound in the run up to its publication and on the big day too.

Would you help me make Magic Bound a best seller, dear reader? Yes? Brilliant. Then this is how you can make a huge difference.

Blog about Magic Bound

Some of my readers are bloggers too. If that’s you, help raise the visibility of Magic Bound by writing about it. You could blog about the actual book release, interview me, or post a book review on your blog. Anything would be really appreciated.

Tell your friends about Magic Bound

If you’re reading this blog post, it’s a fair assumption that you like to read fantasy novels. What about your friends? If they, your family, or members of your book club enjoy fantasy too, why not tell them about Magic Bound?

Shout about Magic Bound on social media

Everyone and their auntie are on social media these days. Whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or some where else in the social media universe, a like, comment, or share of my posts means that a wider audience will find out about Magic Bound. Even better, a post by you about my novels will massively impact my social media reach.

There are other novels out there called Magic Bound so if you want to use a hashtag on social media, please use #MagicBoundFiPhillips

Leave an honest book review of Magic Bound

If you enjoy reading Magic Bound, an honest book review on Amazon, Goodreads, or wherever you bought my book would be fantastic. It spreads the word, tells other readers what to expect, and provides that much needed evidence that Magic Bound is an excellent read.


If you want to get involved in spreading the word about Magic Bound and get the book launch off to a great start, here’s all the information you need.

The blurb:

The magic returns.

When Hartley Keg and Blessing go missing, Steve Haven, the young heir to the Haven Robotics Corporation, once again finds himself plunged back into the chaos of Darkacre.

Teaming up with the darkling, he finds himself on the run from the Council and their enforcers, the Hidden, as he seeks to keep safe those he holds most dear.

Things are complicated further when a new player emerges: the Parity, who are far too keen in the Haven Corporation, and the magical device which nearly led to its destruction.

What follows is a race not only against time but through a series of worlds, each more fantastical and dangerous than the last, as Steve and his friends try to keep one step ahead of their pursuers.

Magic Bound is the second adventure in the Haven Chronicles, following on from Haven Wakes, a unique blend of fantasy and sci-fi which has been described by readers as “shades of Artemis Fowl, hints of Harry Potter… and Skulduggery Pleasant”.

The links:

Magic Bound is published on 2nd August by Burning Chair Publishing.

If you’d like more information or a range of bookish images, want to interview me for your blog, or just want to say ‘hi’ or ‘good luck’, drop me an email.